FinBoard Family Offices
Cutting edge application for risk monitoring and management
Monitoring, not just reporting
Easy real time access Alerts will inform when you need to pay attention: reduced mix of missing an event, thus reduce stress
User friendly visualisation, highlighting the issues that require attention
Still possibility to export to xls for further fine tuning or special reports
Responsive, Multi-device, actionable monitoring
Forward looking: insights on risks with simulation
Finboard can provide very specific analysis on the behaviour of the past with the ambition to have a view of what lies ahead
Provides analytical view of Cashflow and risk exposures that make sense for day to day mgt
Market condition changes simulation: change of FX/ Interest rate / equity value etc..
Internal condition changes simulation: delay in production/ change in raw material costs orders/ change of financial equity movements
Aggregation of data out of various sources and robustness (vs. spreadsheets)
We adapt to your data formats: long experience in doing in pragmatic way, we speak in days or weeks, not in months
Any formats from big ERP to xls/e-mail, from structured to non structured data.
Easy to manage Static, semi-static & stable data and policies
Always access to all data inside and ability to do all exports (PDF & xls). You can go back to xls at all times but you consolidate the full chain of data and calculations in a clear and transparent way
Portfolio management and gap analysis vs policies
Performance monitoring of different Banking and investment mandates
Expertise in financial Mgt and in the various domains in which Family Offices are active.
Fast onboarding: we speak in days or weeks, not in months
We accompany you in consolidating your data from your various sources
For non financial participations we monitor the cash conversion cycle and its impact on cash flow forecasts
25 years Financial engineering expertise: cash flow mgt & forecasting, risk mgt and financial product valuation
Enabling the translation of your specific activity in a digital solution that is pragmatic and relevant to you
Agile build-up of the solution with fast visualisation of the data and evolutive in function of your requests.
You can start small and grow progressively in function of your needs.
Use case in Family Offices
We cannot disclose explicitely the clients we work for in this segment. The family offices we accompany can (1) have controlling participations in operating firms, or (2) mimick an asset management firm or a fund with a diversity of assets including other funds, behaving as a fund of funds.
In the first case, FinBoard is installed at the family office level as well as in the various operating entities, allowing the management of the (virtual) cash pool in mutliple currencies, and monitor the respective cash flow conversion cycles of the firms contributing to the cash pool (see the SMEs section for examples of functions for the entities).
In the second case, we can aggregate participations and commitments in funds of varying granularities, either knowing their full composition, only their main (value and statistical) characteristics or being able to describe their investment objective into a bundle of benchamrks that can be monitored. As a result, performance and liquidity curve assessments can be made and monitored.